History continued from Home page
...which maintained the representation, respect, and benefits for all our members at their work locations. We have been steadfast in our commitment to negotiate for wage increases, significant language changes, and the development of a Safety and Workers Compensation Department. Unfortunately we have also lost members on the job but that lead to the creation of the best workplace safety language in the public sector. In 1985, a ratification agreement was approved by the membership to affiliate with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Throughout our history, CEUI has been a steadfast workplace advocate for our members which is a tradition that we continue to this day.
110 Randolph Road, Middletown CT 06457 US 860-343-8700 Office Administrator Tracy Deegan tdeegan@ceui.org
Political Director Alisha Blake ablake@ceui.org Communications Coordinator Kate Sullivan ksullivan@ceui.org
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